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Failure to execute child process

Sunday, 4th March 2007 7:40pm
A fortnight ago when I tried to launch Firefox on Ubuntu I got this error: There was an error launching the application. Details: failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)

My first reaction was to just uninstall it and then install it again and so I tried uninstalling Firefox using the Synaptic Manager and then re-installing it again and I still got the same error.

I also tried to uninstall using the command line using
apt-get remove firefox

and then installing using
sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox

or reconfiguring it with
dpkg-reconfigure firefox

but all this failed and also after getting no answer from the Ubuntu forum in the end I decided to just use Konquerer and Opera instead.

However, after this morning's update which incidentally also included a Firefox update, my Firefox is working once again but I still have to figure out exactly what the failure to execute child process error was all about.

imran wrote on Thursday, 31st January 2008 2:26am
Help me regarding this error Details: Failed to execute child process "mozilla" (No such file or directory)

Wes wrote on Friday, 1st February 2008 11:10am
Actually Imran as I stated in my post I did not get to actually resolve the error but the error message disappeared after an Ubuntu update which include a Firefox update.

I also tried to re-install Firefox but for some reason it never worked and in the end I decided to use Opera and Konquerer instead.

I hope you will be able to get yours resolved soon. Cheers.

mitchell wrote on Wednesday, 19th March 2008 10:52pm
ye i have the same problem when trying to execute compiz-fusion! I really need help on it! I think its something that has to do with the updates because it was working fine for me since before


Ruben wrote on Thursday, 30th April 2009 8:47am
I have same problem but i just type in terminal "sudo firefox".It start again.but when i want to start from mozilla bar icon it is same problem.

Pawel wrote on Tuesday, 8th December 2009 8:28pm
cd /usr/bin

bash-3.1# ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/firefox


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